"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16
Today I have just been thinking of all of God's blessings in my life! There are so many so this could be a long post.
The first blessing is God sending his son to die on the cross for all of my and our sins. Since Easter is on Sunday this is one I have been thinking about a lot lately. I can't help but wonder what life would be like if Adam and Eve had obeyed God! How perfect would our earthly life be! There would be no wars, no labor pains, no hurt in general. But it is by God's grace we are saved and because of sinful nature we have the chance to be forgiven and live in eternity with God! I so look forward to Easter Sunday and celebrating Jesus raising from the tomb and how miraculous that is!
I thank God for the blessing of my family! I have been married to my husband for almost 6 years and they have been the best years of my life and I look forward to so many more! He is my best friend! We are able to laugh, cry, love, forgive, have fun, worship, and pray together! I am so blessed with being married to an awesome and loving Christian man.
We have two beautiful and fun children together! They are so fun and I look forward to spending my days with them. Abby who is 3 makes me laugh so much during the day and helps me forget that I am crabby or having a bad day! Sometimes she is the cause of my crabbiness but she makes up for it in all of her cuteness. She loves her baby brother so much and I love to see them interact with each other even though Benjamin is only 4 months old. Abby makes him giggle without even trying! He has started baby food just today and it makes me laugh! He can pull the funniest faces! I will have to get some pictures of it! I pray daily that my children will grow up knowing and love the Lord. There is nothing I want more than to see them grow up as strong Christian adults!
Another blessing is my parents. I can't thank them enough for raising me in a Christian home, sending me to Christian schools and loving me and always being there! If a week goes by and I don't talk to either my mom or dad I have to just call and talk to them. There are some weeks that they get a phone call everyday! I sometimes wonder if they look at caller id and think "hmmm I wonder what she needs now?" I love to spend time at my parents playing games and just talking! I thank God that they are both healthy and I pray that we may have many more years to go on vacations, go out to eat and just hang out as a family!
My siblings are also a huge blessing in my life! Without growing up with them (especially my brothers pestering me) I wouldn't be who I am today! Yes, me and my brothers fought a lot but I love them! My sister, even though she is 12 years older than me is someone who I would consider a close friend. If I need something or just want someone to talk to she is always there to listen! My in-laws are also a blessing to me! My brother-in-law is someone who I have known FOREVER!! I feel like he has always been in my life! He is just another brother to me! My sister-in-laws are amazing! They are awesome Christian woman and I love watching my sister-in-law raise her kids and I can't wait for my brother and other sis-in-law to start their family in June!! So excited!
My in-laws (husbands family) are amazing! I have loved them since the day I have met them! My mom and dad in-law are so strong in their faith and also there love for each other! I look up to them so much and thank them for letting me love their son! My sis-in-law is my best friend! We have so much fun together and can just talk about everything together! Love her! My brother-in-law is lots of fun and we can laugh about so much! Me and him have been close since Brad and I started dating and Brad would sleep on the couch (Love you Hun)! There was nothing else to do but talk to my now brother-in-law! My lil sis-in-law is great! It has been so fun watching her grow up! I think Brad and I started dating when she was only 3 and she is now 11! I love watching her play volleyball and hope she continues to play (only if she really enjoys it)!
There are just so many more blessings in my life! Instead of giving a detail description of each of them I will just list them:
Nieces and Nephews
Aunts and Uncles
Acquaintances who have stuck with me
My home
Oh my, there are just so many but I better end at this or you will all get sick of reading this! I can't thank God enough for my health, my families health and everything he has given me!!! I hope you are reminded daily of your many blessings even if your day is not going so great!
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